Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #776

Hey there, it’s Teri Fisher here and it’s the weekend.

I hope you’re doing well and you’ve managed to have a decent week.

I hope everybody’s staying safe and healthy in your family.

As usual on Saturdays, I want to share a couple of commands that you can say to Alexa.

And I think with everything that we’re hearing in the news, one of the good things that we can really focus on is good news and guess what Alexa can help us out with that.

You can simply say to Alexa, “Alexa, tell me some good news.” and you can do that a couple of times and you can get different new stories that are quite nice and quite heartwarming in some cases, so there’s that one.

The other one that I want to share with you is an opportunity to actually make a donation to America’s Covid_19 response fund.

You can get different new stories that are quite nice and quite heartwarming

Amazon Alexa Commands 93

Now, this is an American fund, it’s in the United States but I wanted to share this because it’s an interesting idea that you can actually simply do by your voice.

And all you would say is, you would simply say, “Alexa, make a donation to the Covid_19 response fund” and it’s all tied in and then it would ask you how much you want to give and you can give that.

So whether or not you want to actually donate to that fund or there’s other funds that you donate to, you know, that’s obviously your choice.

But I thought this was an interesting way of using the technology to get support at times like these.

So, I imagine we’ll be seeing a lot more of that sort of thing.

Anyway, I wanted to share those two commands with you today in particular, for sure, definitely use the “tell me some good news one,” cause it’s nice and you get to hear some cool stories.

Hope you have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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